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My Beautiful Nana: Nana's Eulogy

My Beautiful Nana.

There's not enough words to even get close to how incredible my Nana was. But I am going to try, so let me tell you about my best friend. My role model. My beautiful Nana.

She was the most loving, generous, caring, independent woman I have ever known. She was too good to be true.

If anyone asks me what the definition of a ‘perfect grandmother’ is, I would say “Linda Fronduto.”

My Nana has eight grandchildren, and we truly are the luckiest people on the planet to be able to say that she is our Nana. Every dance recital, every cheer competition, every sporting event– Nana was there.

When everyone in the family would gang up on me, I would turn to my Nana, and she was the only one who would back me up. Now what am I going to do? She was my biggest defender and cheerleader.

Last week when she wasn't able to do much, she was still worrying about how she was getting all of us our Halloween Gifts.

She still is the best Nana even after she passed because here she is, still taking care of us from up above. Did you guys know that she told grandpa to use the credit card to get all of us new outfits for today? She is literally still taking us shopping two days after she passed. She was so fabulous.

Let me tell you, my Nana knew how to shop. I was speaking to one of her long time friends Janice, and she says the first thing she remembers about my Nana was that she would go to the CYO dances even though she was two years too young for it, and every week she would go shopping to buy her new outfit for the next dance. The CYO dance was for high-schoolers but because she was dating my grandpa at the time, auntie fran and her friends got them in because they were in charge of everything.

Not only was she an amazing nana, but she was a wonderful mother to my mom and my uncle. My mom and my Nana were so close, I grew up knowing that it is normal to have a grandmother that is that present in your life; and thankfully I have just as close of a relationship with my mother because of the relationship they presented to me.

She was an amazing daughter to my great grandmother. She was an amazing sister, especially to my aunt. She was an amazing friend to all of you. But most importantly, she was an amazing wife to my grandfather. My Nana and Grandpa showed me what real love is like. To never settle. Growing up, living with them and being so close with them– they were the real life love story everyone wants. My grandpa will have and hold onto so many memories he’s had with the love of his life, my Nana.

My Nana was truly my best friend. She knew everything about school, friends, and even boys. I would go out one night and who would I call the next morning to debrief it with? My Nana.

She was a fighter. A warrior. My Nana was my superwoman. I aspire to be even a little bit like her. Up until two weeks ago she was still working, taking clients from her kitchen while on oxygen. There was quite literally nothing my Nana couldn't do. She was always a hard worker, even when she had two kids, she would go to cosmetology and esthetician school at night, and she got herself two degrees. She always had not only one, but two or three jobs to provide for her family. She was an amazing teacher- she taught at two vocational schools and two cosmetology schools all while undergoing treatments for her cancer. She loved what she did. Her work ethic was like no other, and it got passed right down the family tree.

My Nana enjoyed going out to eat, which was a long time tradition every saturday night even up until a few weeks ago with her friends. She loved to travel, her and her friends would do a lot of weekends away, and she and my grandpa loved cruises. Their first cruise was a double anniversary cruise with their close friends Tom and Jan, and since then, they never stopped cruise-ing. I always said she has more friend groups than I have friends. So many people loved her and she had the social life everyone wants.

She was always so put together, she was always dressed nicely, and she always knew exactly how she wanted everything to be all the time. When her and grandpa got their first apartment, her friends saw her decorating skills, and the bathroom towels were obviously pinned. Now, here I am in my first apartment with decorative bathroom towels. My Nana made a beautiful painting for my living room, and she came home one day with about seventeen pillows for my apartment. She would do anything for her grandchildren. Her friends told me when they would go to Vegas she would literally spend more money on shopping for us than she would on gambling. Her grandchildren were her whole life.

And she was obsessed with the life 360 app. All she did whenever she had the chance, was to watch our locations. She would say to whoever she's with, “this grandchild is here on route one, I wonder what she’s doing there” or “this grandchild needs to charge his phone”. I was the only one who she had on ‘find my iphone’ instead of ‘life 360’, and I always knew when she was looking at my location because she would accidentally send her current location with no follow up text. I would ask her “Nana are you looking at my location because you're not very secretive at it”, she would say “yes” and laugh.

She was always there for the people she cared about. A week after she had part of her lung removed when she was first diagnosed for lung cancer, she insisted on going to Tom and Jans daughter Christine's wedding. They took her out of the operating room, put her in a bed, and as soon as she opened her eyes she said “get my dress ready”.

Everyone who had the pleasure of knowing my Nana describes her the same way: Beautiful inside and out, Determined, Tough in many ways. She had a good sense of humor, and she always had the best stories.

I was there with her holding her hand until her last breath. Although it was sad to watch, she had the support of her whole family with her, and she is no longer suffering. She was the strongest person any of us have ever known. My beautiful Nana passed away on All Saints Day; how special is that, because my Nana is and has always been a saint.

Nine years, Twelve treatments, stage four lung cancer. She kicked cancer's ass. My incredible, beautiful Nana.


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